Cas7-11,CRISRP-Csm and Cas13

Brief introduction: RNA靶向性的Type III CRISPR Cas家族 – 知乎 (


Cas13 gRNA design: Massively parallel Cas13 screens reveal principles for guide RNA design | Nature Biotechnology


Programmable RNA targeting with the single-protein CRISPR effector Cas7-11 | Nature

CRISPR-Csm complexes

Precise transcript targeting by CRISPR-Csm complexes – PubMed (

目前已知的CRISPR家族被分为Type I至Type VI,其中靶向RNA的家族是Type III和Type VI。Type VI的Cas13家族具备的collateral cleavage能力会造成了细胞的生长停滞和细胞毒性。2023年9月,诺奖得主Jennifer Doudna发表Precise transcript targeting by CRISPR-Csm complexes – PubMed (,团队发现在293T细胞内表达Csm1, Csm2, Csm3, Csm4, Csm5和Cas6,这些亚基能组成效应复合体,发挥RNA KD功能。


The multiprotein Csm complex comprises five subunits (Csm1-5) in varying stoichiometries and relies on an additional protein, Cas6, for processing the precursor crRNA40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47 (Fig. 1b). The crRNA lies at the core of the complex, with Csm1 and Csm4 binding the 5′ end, Csm5 binding the 3′ end and multiple copies of Csm2 and Csm3 wrapping around the center. The complex contains a groove along its length into which target RNAs can enter and hybridize to the variable spacer region of the crRNA. Csm1 and Csm4 specifically recognize the 5′ region of the crRNA derived from the CRISPR repeat. Each Csm3 subunit has ribonuclease (RNase) activity, leading to multiple cleavage sites within the target RNA spaced six nucleotides (nt) apart (Fig. 1c). Csm1 functions as a nonspecific single-stranded DNase (ssDNase)48,49 and a cyclic oligoadenylate (cA) synthase50,51 (Fig. 1b). The ssDNase activity is thought to defend against actively transcribed (R-looped) or ssDNA foreign genomes48,49, while the latter acts as a second messenger that activates downstream effectors in trans, such as the RNase Csm6 (refs. 50,51). Notably, all three catalytic activities are performed by independent domains of the Csm complex and can be individually ablated.

Precise transcript targeting by CRISPR-Csm complexes – PubMed (

Csm3是{Csm1~5, Cas6}里面最丰富的蛋白。

To test this, we fused GFP to catalytically inactivated Csm3 (Fig. 4a), the most abundant Csm subunit (≥3 per complex), thereby allowing multivalent display

By fusing GFP to the most abundant subunit (Csm3), we were able to achieve multivalent display (≥3x GFP per complex), which may offer unique advantages over single-subunit effectors such as Cas13.

Precise transcript targeting by CRISPR-Csm complexes – PubMed (


Another advantage of our system is its ease of multiplexing. Multiple spacers can be cloned into the CRISPR array and processed into individual crRNAs by Cas6. This allows for pooled screening, either by encoding crRNAs against multiple targets at once or encoding multiple crRNAs against the same target. The latter may enable robust KD on the first try without the need to individually screen multiple crRNAs against a target.

Precise transcript targeting by CRISPR-Csm complexes – PubMed (


Because, like other RNA-targeting CRISPR-Cas systems, Csm does not have any PAM requirement for target site selection, the only criteria we used were that the target be a unique sequence in the human transcriptome and the spacer avoid stretches of ≥5 consecutive Ts, which might cause premature Pol III transcriptional termination within the crRNA sequence.

Precise transcript targeting by CRISPR-Csm complexes – PubMed (

这篇文章并没有最优化crRNA spacer,在discusstion中作者提到:

A more large-scale analysis must be performed to determine optimal spacer design criteria, and to test how different factors (for example, melting temperature, GC content and target site availability) influence KD efficiency.

Precise transcript targeting by CRISPR-Csm complexes – PubMed (

Jennifer Doudna组构建了两种All-in-one质粒。一种是将6个蛋白的每一个前边都加一个单独的启动子(separator promoter),另一种是将6个蛋白用1个promoter启动转录,直接用T2A分隔(single promoter)。文献中报道,二者的KD效率是相同的。区别在于,single promoter方便替换启动子,separate promoter方便交换这几个orf的顺序